
A microsporidian infecting the fat body of last Aedes punctor larvae was found in Czechoslovakia. Only 2% of larvae in the spring population were visibly infected. Three periods are identified in the development of the pathogen: The pregamogonial merogony ending with formation of minute spherical garnets which fuse to binucleate zygotes. The period of macronuclear stages with meiotic divisions resulting in two presporonts, closed in a splitt-off plasmatic membrane together with granular secretion masses. A third period is that of sporogony starting with modeling fingerlike protrusions of future sporoblasts. The covering pansporoblastic membrane is the sphorophorous vesicle which is finally filled with eight broad oval spores measuring 6 × 7 µm. Their polar filament is anisofilar, the manubrial part in three coils and the thin flagellar part in 9 coils. Secretion masses were formed during the sporogony and resorbed during spore maturation.

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