
Currently information exchange methods and means of communication development are being done a significant impact on the level of all industrial and economic entities innovation potential, which is also the same for their group formations, such as regional complexes. It is necessary to note high degree of integration and interdependence of all such systems elements and processes closely interconnected by different kind of networks. Among them, it is possible to highlight the interaction between participants of scientific and industrial cluster within the framework of innovative activities, which should provide possibility to transfer and receive various kinds of data, which could be both open and confidential type. At the current stage, there is not many applied tools for ensuring confidentiality in the implementation of these processes. For example, they partially solve the problem of traffic tunnelling systems based on OpenVPN or WireGuard tunnels, and other software solutions provide the potential of an extensible cloud (Nextcloud). However, analysing the functionality of these solutions, it is possible to identify shortcomings that do not allow their implementation in the complex production and economic systems processes of innovative development. Thus, existing traffic tunnelling solutions are not adapted for deployment on a corporate scale with a flexible organisational structure. In solutions based on Nextcloud, the complexity disadvantages of the server configuration and the cost of the primary software configuration are highlighted. To solve the above problems, in article has been proposed an intelligent traffic tunneling system, which is based on using additional means of primary automated OpenVPN connection initialization at neural module expense. A dynamic digital fingerprint distribution system with two-way key exchange was used as an authorization server. The developed software solution was tested and then compared with existing analogues. This experiment may to conclusion that the developed software solution is not inferior in a number of aspects to existing methods, and can subsequently be used to ensure secure information and communication exchange between industrial and economic entities in clusters during innovative processes implementation.

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