
This article demonstrates a quantum calculator by experimentally simulating and performing basic arithmetic operations, namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, division on real quantum devices using the IBM Quantum Experience (IBM QE) platform. Two addition algorithms are considered, the classical version, using the Toffoli gate, and using the quantum Fourier transform (QFT). In particular summation with QFT saves memory and time. The task of the work is to build a quantum circuit that performs arithmetic operations between the binary representation of two integers. We then propose a quantum algorithm for converting decimal to binary. This method also allows for massive parallelization during its execution. The addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functions based on QFT have been improved with some changes. The proposed operations are compared with the closest quantum arithmetic operations. Therefore, we can implement a practical quantum calculator by performing operations on a real quantum computer. The circuits are defined as a kind of quantum adder using a quantum Fourier transform, implemented in Qiskit and demonstrated on one or two copies.

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