
In order to protect oil industry borehole equipment and the product transport system from corrosion, and also to improve oil recovery in highly viscous oil deposits a new reagent is developed based on acidol, technical-grade isopropyl alcohol, and technical-grade phosphatide. Laboratory studies show that the reagent reduces the oil dynamic viscosity by a factor of 2.9, and is also effective as an inhibitor (the degree of overall corrosion protection is 94–96 %), while the protective effect of general corrosion is 94–96 %. Industrial testing shows that as a results of action of the reagent in the bottom-hole formation zone oil production increases on average by 22 %, and the degree of protection from overall corrosion is 90 %. Measurements also show a reduction in flow pressure in product transport pipelines 20 % from 0.12 to 0.096 MPa.

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