
A low-cost and high-precision straightness measurement system using a DVDpick-up head has been developed in this research. By removing its objective lensthe pick-up head of a commercial DVD player possesses excellent properties ofstable laser power, collimated laser beam, circular Gaussian distribution andsensitive photodetectors. A moving knife-edge piece is placed between thepick-up head and a plane mirror. According to the knife-edge principle, thenon-shaded part of the laser beam will be reflected back and focused ontothe four-quadrant photodetector of the pick-up head. The four-quadrantsignals are added to measure the returned laser power. Theoretical analysisbased on the circular Gaussian distribution theory and regression methodcan attain the straightness error of the knife-edge while it moves alongthe beam direction. This low-cost system can apply to the straightnessmeasurement of precision coordinate measuring machines and NC machine tools.Experimental results showed the achieved accuracy is better than ±0.2 µm within the measuringrange of 200 µm.

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