
Boron lined ionisation chambers with an overall diameter of 85 mm and maximum length of 165 mm have been developed and tested. The chamber consists of 34 numbers of parallel plate aluminium electrodes spaced at a distance of 2 mm and mounted on SS rods and radiation resistant polyetheretherketone (PEEK) spacers. One surface of the signal electrode and both the surfaces of the +HT electrodes are dip coated with boron. It is filled with nitrogen gas at a pressure of 128 cm of Hg. Tests at the 60Co source facility at gamma fields ranging from 200 R/h to 830 kR/h showed that the chamber required 500 V to obtain 90% of the saturation current at 830 kR/h. The gamma compensation factor was measured as 0.12–7% for various gamma fields for polarising voltages of +400 and −350 V. Neutron measurements at the Apsara Thermal Column showed that the linearity of the chamber response as a function of reactor power was within 2%. The neutron sensitivity was measured as 3.9 fA/nv.

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