
The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate breastfeeding effectiveness scale to measure effectiveness of breastfeeding for mothers in the early postpartum period. A conceptual framework was constructed from properties of effective breastfeeding (Yang and Seo, 2011), and item construction was derived from literature review and analysis of the data along with interviews with breastfeeding mothers. Content validity was tested by experts. Each item was scored on a five-point Likert scale. The preliminary questionnaire was administered to 248 breastfeeding mothers. Data were analyzed using item analysis, factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, and Cronbach's α. From the factor analysis, 20 items in seven factors were derived. The factors were identified as mother's satisfaction, suckling, assurance of milk quantity, infant's satisfaction, latching on, infant's feeding desire, and breastfeeding positioning. The seven factors explained 65.1% of total variance, Cronbach's α of the total items was .83 and the factors ranged from .44 to .75. Results of this study suggest that breastfeeding effectiveness scale is a reliable and valid instrument to measure breastfeeding effectiveness of mothers in the early postpartum period.


  • Results of this study suggest that breastfeeding effectiveness scale is a reliable and valid instrument to measure breastfeeding effectiveness of mothers in the early postpartum period

  • 본 연구자가 개발한 도구는 산후 4주 이내 에 수유모의 모유수유 행위의 효과성을 측정하는 도구로 대상 자가 이해하기 쉽고, 응답하기 어렵지 않으며, 문항 수가 많지 않아 쉽게 사용할 수 있다는 점에서 도구의 의의를 찾을 수 있 다

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또한 국외에서 개발된 도구를 보면, Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF)[13]은 모성의 모유수유 자신감을 측정하고, Systematic Assessment of Infant at Breast [3]와 Infant Breastfeeding Assessment Tool [14]은 영아의 모유수유 효과성을, Mother-Baby Assessment (MBA) [4], LATCH [5], MotherInfant Breastfeeding Progress Tool [15]과 Maternal BreastFeeding Evaluation Scale (MBFES)[16]은 모성과 영아의 모유 수유 결과를, Beginning Breastfeeding Survey (BBS)[6]는 모 성과 영아의 모유수유 행위에 대한 정서적 만족감을 측정하는 도구로 Yang과 Seo [8]가 ‘효과적인 모유수유’의 개념적 속성 으로 도출한 모성과 영아의 수유행위와 상호작용, 수유결과, 모성과 영아의 욕구충족의 다양한 측면을 측정하기에는 한계 가 있다. 준거타당도 검증을 위해 본 연구에서 개발된 모유 수유의 효과성 측정도구와 Mulder와 Johnson [6]이 개발한 BBS 간 Pearson 상관계수를 산출하였으며, 신뢰도 검증은 각 문항과 전체문항 간 상관계수와 내적일관성 계수로 확인 하였다.

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