
Introduction: Betwixt Modernism and Augustine Agwuele Part One: Modernism - Modernity: Socio-Cultural Transformation 1. Between Delayed and Deferred Democracy: Africa's Troubled Take-Off Ali A. Mazrui 2. A Critique of Cornel West's Race and Modernity Hetty ter Haar 3. Chieftaincy, Collective Interests and the Dagomba New Elite Deborah Pellow 4. Murid Identity and Wolof Ajami Literature in Senegal Fallou Ngom 5. From Village-Square to Internet-Square: Language and Culture at the USA-Africa Dialogue Series Augustine Agwuele 6. EILALOIROI: A Didactic Approach to Yoruba Education Michael O. Afolayan Part Two: Modernism - Modernity: Arts, Media and Religion 7. The Old Chestnut of African Cultural Production: Insiders and Outsiders Kenneth W. Harrow 8. Strategic Collaborations between Nigerians and Germans: The Making of a Yoruba Culture Movement Debra Klein 9. Interrogating the Africana Artist: Interviews, Penetration, and Muholic Occupation Moyo Okediji 10. Re-Imagining West African Women's Sexuality: Bekolo's Les Saignantes and the Mevoungou Naminata Diabate 11. Matangazo ya Biashara na Jinsia: Gender Stereotypes and Advertisements in Kenya Maurice Nyamanga Amutabi 12. From Kamiirithu to XYZ: Between Cultural 'Flaws' and Democratic Change in Independent Kenya Hannington Ochwada 13. African Christianity: Its Scope in Global Context Caleb O. Oladipo 14. Women and Islam in Urban Burkina Faso: Piety Between Definitions and Interpretation Liza Debevec Part Three: Development: Economic and Political Transformation 15. Globalization and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment in Africa Roshen Hendrickson 16. The Fulani Land/Settlement Question in British Southern Cameroon, 1916-1960 Emmanuel M. Mbah 17. Imminent Colonialism: Violence on Lutheran Mission Stations and the Ending of the Pre-Colonial Zulu State Kirsten Ruther 18. Colonialism and Cultural Change in Africa Julius O. Adekunle 19. Reengineering Social Institutions for Peace and Development: The Case of Post-Genocide Rwanda Wanjala S. Nasong'o

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