
Recently, a need has arisen for small-sized Ka-band phased antenna arrays (PAA) with electric beam scanning. In the development and study of phased arrays with small apertures not exceeding several tens of wavelengths, significant limitations were found on the accuracy of beam setting accuracy when its scanning in a wide angular sector. This leads to an increase in direction finding errors when using such phased arrays as part of small-sized monopulse radars for target tracking. The aim of the article is to investigate the causes of occurrence of various factors that affect the accuracy of the beam setting accuracy in the feedthrough phased arrays with spatial excitation by monopulse feeds, and also to note ways to eliminate or minimize this effect. The analysis of the main factors affecting the accuracy of the beam setting accuracy in the phased arrays, associated with the control algorithms of the phase shifters of the phased arrays, caused by the peculiarities of the circuitry implementation of the beam handling system of the phased arrays, and also having an electrodynamic nature and taking into account the excitation of the receiving antenna array by a monopulse feed, the mutual influence of emitters and edge effects in the antenna array. Recommendations on eliminating or mitigating the influence of these factors are given.

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