
Studies in pediatric oncology have shown that hypnosis effectively reduces patients' pain and distress during painful procedures. This remains underutilized in the healthcare system due to the staff cost and availability of hypnotherapists. To develop the use of hypnosis-derived communication, we aimed to train nurses to use hypnosis-derived communication while they perform painful procedures. This study aimed to (1) develop a brief training in hypnosis-derived communication for pediatric nurses named Rel@x, (2) pretest the training with experienced pediatric oncology nurses, and (3) refine the training based on nurses' suggestions. The Rel@x training consists of two 4-h sessions: one related to relational aspects and another one presenting one of two selected hypnotic communication techniques ("pleasant place" or "magic glove"). Rel@x makes use of manuals, cue card reminders, visual aids, videos, and an e-learning platform. To refine Rel@x, a complete training cycle was conducted with seven female pediatric oncology nurses. A mixed method study with an evaluation questionnaire and a post-training focus group interview was conducted. Quantitative data showed that nurses overall positively rated the training program: relevance and acceptability (median average of 5.4/6); use of hypnotic communication (median average of 5.2/6); expected effects (median average of 5.4/6); program implementation (5.6/6). Two general themes emerged from the qualitative data: perceptions of hypnotic communication and the evaluation of the Rel@x training program. Based on nurses' suggestions, Rel@x was refined by adding more practical components, more time for practice, more time between the two sessions and additional tools (cue card reminders, keywords, virtual e-learning recap module). The use of hypnosis-derived communication during painful procedures and the Rel@x training were viewed favorably amongst pediatric nurses. Rel@x offers a complete training in hypnosis-derived communication for pediatric nurses. This training fosters the optimal use of hypnosis-derived communication during care and may significantly reduce children's procedural pain and distress.

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