
The paper highlights the characteristic features of labor motivation, its economic essence and the state at the present stage of the national economy development in the conditions of globalization. During the research the main factors of creation and management of motivation mechanism were revealed. In the conditions of further transformation of the national economy, which is accompanied by political and social instability, the problem of motivation and creation of motivation mechanism at national enterprises of all forms of ownership has become even more urgent. As a result of the study, particular attention was paid to the identification of the tools for effective management of motivation processes, which determine deep systemic changes in the conditions of national economy reform. An improved methodology for evaluating the results of effective development of mechanisms of motivation procedures and rules regulating interaction between the company’s management and its subordinates has been developed. Based on the analysis of the results of the study, the current state of motivation instruments is defined as a precondition for modernization of the national economy and increase of its competitiveness in the conditions of influence of globalization factors. The main methods and methods of motivation of work are systematized and their essence is disclosed. It has been proved that the efficiency of management and achievement of the general goals of the enterprise require the use of effective mechanisms of labor behavior of employees of the company, which would ensure harmonious coordination of their activity and encourage effective performance of established functions according to the defined goals and tasks. One such mechanism is a well-grounded and efficient motivation system that allows targeted impact on the behavior of employees in accordance with the needs of the organization in the context of globalization.

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