
We recently developed an electrostatic collector for bioaerosols that electrostatically deposits biological particles onto a 3.2 mm electrode covered by a superhydrophobic substance. The deposited biological particles are removed and collected by rolling water droplets (20 or 40 microliter) which results in high concentration rates. The collector has been improved further by integrating it with an electrical charger. Here, we describe the development and optimization of the charger and collection chamber, while maximizing collection efficiency and minimizing particle loss. The resulting sampler is made of static dissipative material (e.g., Delrin), is shaped as a closed half cylinder, and is integrated with a charger. The sampler's round top section contains eight carbon fiber brushes (ion sources to charge particles), while its flat bottom section holds a rectangular collection electrode (254 × 3.2 mm) made of pressed carbon fiber and coated with a superhydrophobic material.The optimized configuration of...

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