
AbstrakSikap dan keterampilan kewarganegaraan merupakan hal yang krusial dalam menghadapi tantangan dunia kerja. Dengan pendekatan Model Problem-Based Learning lulusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Ambon dapat mengembangkan sikap dan keterampilan secara konkret melalui pengalaman praktis. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini memiliki relevansi yang signifikan untuk mempersiapkan lulusan dalam menghadapi perubahan zaman dan tuntutan dunia kerja yang semakin dinamis. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan mixed method yaitu penggabungan data penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif, Hasil penelitian yang didapat yaitu dari 19 mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran nilai rata-rata (Mean) hasil belajar mahasiswa pada variabel sikap sebesar 3,47 selanjutnya variabel keterampilan sebesar 3,53. pembelajaran dengan pendekatan model project based learning menunjukkan dampak positif dengan penilaian baik dan baik sekali, pada sikap mahasiswa mampu menggagas alternatif solusi, kontribusi dan menunjukkan integritas. Pada keterampilan mahasiswa mampu membangun jejaring merefleksikan hal-hal selama proses, memiliki semangat untuk terus memperbaiki lebih baik, mengimplementasikan solusi dan memiliki inisiatif untuk perbaikan bersama.--------------------AbstractHaving the right attitudes and abilities related to citizenship is essential when it comes to dealing with the problems of the professional sphere. The Problem-Based Learning Model enables Civil Engineering graduates from Politeknik Negeri Ambon to cultivate tangible attitudes and abilities via hands-on experience. Therefore, this research holds great importance in equipping graduates to confront the evolving circumstances and the progressively dynamic requirements of the professional sphere. The study employed a hybrid methodological approach, specifically integrating both quantitative and qualitative research data. The research findings were derived from a sample of 19 participants who participated in the study. The mean value of student learning outcomes for the attitude variable was 3.47, while for the skill variable it was 3.53. Implementing a project-based learning paradigm has been found to have a favourable effect on students' attitudes, as evidenced by their ability to provide innovative ideas, actively contribute, and demonstrate integrity, leading to positive assessments. Regarding talents, students possess the ability to establish connections, engage in reflective thinking, have a persistent drive for self-improvement, effectively execute solutions, and exhibit proactive behaviour towards mutual enhancement.

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