
The Political Declaration of High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs has noted possible linkages between HIV/AIDS and NCDs. The aim of this study was to develop a public health framework for those linkages between HIV/AIDS and the co mmon NCDs. The overall method used in this study was a thematic research synthesis. Descriptive, integrative and configurative syntheses of evidence on linkages between HIV/AIDS and NCDs were conducted. The searching process was iterative; appraisal was stepwise; and extraction was verbatim. All retrieved informat ion was described, analysed and then configured in to a concept map using majo r pathways of relationships between HIV/AIDS and NCDs. The concept map was developed in to the public health framework through progressive review and revisions. Two major forms and pathways of lin kages between HIV/AIDS and NCDs were identified. There are five nodes that mediate the indirect HIV-NCD linkage: co mmon underlying factors, life style factors, antiretroviral treat ment, common co mp licat ions, and other mediating disease conditions. These lin kages along with med iating factors are organized in to a public health framework. In conclusion, the main pathways and forms of relat ionship between HIV/AIDS and NCDs were described; and a public health framewo rk for the epidemiological interrelat ionships between HIV/AIDS and NCDs was developed.

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