
Bark samples of spruce, pine and oak trees were collected at two sites in southern Bavaria which are characterized by high agricultural ammonia emissions. The samples were taken using a recently developed bark sampling device which removes a defined layer of the bark. The bark was then analysed for ammonium concentration in order to reflect the environmental ammonia immission. The measured bark concentrations decreased with rising distance between the sample trees and the ammonia source. This applied (i) to measurements inside a closed forest stand ranging from forest edge with high immission to forest interior with much lower immission, and (ii) to the open field where single-standing trees were sampled. Comparing the ammonium concentrations among the three different tree species revealed significant correlations. Thus, it could be shown that old spruce trees are as usable for bark bio-monitoring as the traditionally used pine and oak trees. The ammonium concentrations of the bark were significantly correlated to measurements taken by ammonia passive samplers at the same locations. These results indicate that bark samples may be used for a standardised monitoring of airborne ammonia load. A major advantage of the technique is the determination of the long-term accumulative ammonia load using a single measurement.

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