
A method for enzyme-antibody conjugation using a new maleimide derivative as coupling reagent has been developed. Since a monomeric conjugate of horseradish peroxidase and Fab' antibody could be readily prepared with high efficiency and reproducibility, the enzyme activity and antigen-binding activity were well preserved and nonspecific staining was greatly reduced. The conjugate is suitable for use in both ELISA procedures and immunohistochemistry. Using both methods we examined the pathophysiological significance of Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) and the present study describes the ELISA method to quantify urinary THP using the new method with rabbit anti-THP antibody. A low concentration (0.04 M) of urea added to the urine samples increased the linearity of the standard curve and the sensitivity of the assay, permitting the detection of as little as 20 ng/ml THP. Freezing and thawing the urine resulted in variable or lower values of THP concentration. THP concentrations in urine as determined by ELISA were stable for at least one month after −70°C storage, but not after −30°C storage. There was no correlation between THP concentrations in 24 h urine samples and the morning urine of the same patient. These results suggest that it is essential to use fresh or −70°C stored 24 h urine samples with added urea (0.04 M) for the determination of THP concentrations in urine by the present enzyme-antibody conjugation method. The THP concentration in normal 24 h urine of young children was found to be less than 51.8 mg/g Cr.

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