
A method for determining the position of the zero-order fringe in a metrological experiment with digital speckle pattern interferometry is proposed. It is based on an averaging procedure with shifted images obtained before and after a load is applied. This technique is a complement to the phase-shifting methods. Experimental examples are shown.


  • Background of the TechniqueThe basic Digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) equation describing the intensity difference in an image point between a reference frame and the current one is given by[8 ] (1)where 70 and 7r are the intensities of the object and the reference beams, respectively,

  • Where 70 and 7r are the intensities of the object and the reference beams, respectively,

  • P(x, y, z), suffering a displacement, d = d(x, y, z ), 8 is given by[9] where N(P) is the number of fringes in the image between a fixed point and P, X is the light wavelength, eB is a unit vector from P in the observation direction, is a unit vector from P in the illumination direction, and S is the sensitivity vector

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In trod u ction

Interferometry can be used to produce a fringe pattern that represents the field surface displacement of an object in response to some change in mechanical loading.[1]. Analogical[5] and digital[6] holographic contouring have used multiple illumination sources to modify the fringe structure as a means for reducing order assignment ambiguity Another technique for contouring with multiple digital images is to synthesize a particular fringe profile, namely, that of an approximate delta function.[7] That fringe corresponds to the zero-order interference fringe, showing the locus of places with a zero optical path difference between the two illuminating beams. Using such a single-fringe projection, we can eliminate order ambiguity.

Background of the Technique
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