
It is noted that the process of vibration processing of parts is carried out by the relative movement and mutual pressure of granules of the medium and the parts being processed circulating in the oscillating reservoir. It is noted that the removal of defects from the surface of a part is carried out by the processes of microcutting and elastoplastic deformation. It is indicated that despite the effectiveness of vibration processing, its capabilities are limited to performing simple operations and have not been sufficiently studied. The effectiveness of vibration processing depends on a number of factors, among which the size of the medium granules and the size of the machine reservoir play a significant role. To determine these factors, the kinematics of the finishing and grinding process was considered, and the joint movement of the medium granule and the part was taken into account. The removal of microchips along the entire length of the machined surface during one period of oscillation of the machine reservoir and the damping properties of the material of the working medium used were also taken into account. It has been established that, depending on the shape of the part, its position and direction of movement in the reservoir, the angle of contact with the granules can vary from 0 to 90º. In this regard, cases of encounters between granules and parts are considered. It has been established that the unfavorable case of a meeting occurs at the right angle of their collision. It is concluded that the removal of microchips from the surface of parts is theoretically inversely proportional to the size of the medium granules. It has been determined that the increase in damping of the medium caused by a decrease in the size of the granules can be compensated by increasing the amplitude of the oscillations of the reservoir and the use of granules with a large specific gravity. The choice of granule size is also limited by the conditions of their access to the surfaces being treated, while the conditions for eliminating the possibility of granules jamming are met. It has been experimentally confirmed that the reservoir with a “U” – shaped cross-section turned out to be the best, due to the absence of stagnant zones in it. It has been established that as the cross-section of the reservoir increases, the productivity of the machine will decrease. Intensifying the process by increasing the amplitude is unacceptable, since this causes the appearance of deep defects on the treated surfaces. To increase processing efficiency, it is necessary to increase the volume of the reservoir by lengthening it, rather than increasing its cross-section.

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