
Some mineral elements in the leaves, peel (periderm) and the tuber(edible portion) of seven cassava cultivars were determined using instrumentalneutron activation analysis (INAA). The cassava specimens were made up ofthree improved cultivars namely, TMS 30572, (Afisiafi), TMS 50395 (Gblomaduade)and TMS 4 (2) 1425 (Abasa fitaa). The others are a locally produced mutant“Tek bankye” and two landraces “Ankrah” and “Akosuatumtum”. A total of 10 elements (Al, Ca, Mg, V, Mn, Na, Br, Cl, Zn,and K) were identified in all the cultivars studied. The tuber portion contained10 elements while the leaves and the peel contained 8 and 9 elements, respectively.Five of the elements identified (Ca, Na, K, Mg, and Cl) are classified asmajor elements in human nutrition while three (Mn, V, and Zn) are trace elements.The major elements were detected in high concentration in the peel of mostof the cultivars than the edible tuber or leaves. Al was found in very highconcentrations ranging from 643.6 to 12610.0 mg/kg in the peel except in “Akosuatumtum” where its concentration was below 100 mg/kg. The concentrationof Ca and Mg meets the recommendations made by Subcommittee on RecommendedDietary Allowance (RDA). The presence of five major and three trace elementsin the tuber indicates that cassava has a rich mineral source which makesit safe for human consumption.

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