
Background: Oral structures are known to have their uniqueness. Among these, the tongue has many characteristics that make it suitable for identity recognition. In this study, tongue imprints through digital photography and tongue impressions were used.
 The aim of the study was to determine sexual dimorphism based on tongue morphology and fingerprints.
 Materials and methods: The study included 120 subjects (60 males and 60 females) in the age group of 18 to 35 who were excluded from any systemic illness and were reportedly healthy. The tongue photography was recorded using and the impression was made using the alginate material. In the present study, images of the dorsal part of the tongue were taken for 60 males & 60 females and a database was formed which were studied for the features such as tongue shape, tongue tip, dorsal morphological features. The alginate impression (lingual impression) of the dorsal and lateral borders of the tongue was done to study the minute details. The gender dimorphism was evaluated with this respect and the results were compared with fingerprints which were evaluated using Acree’s method. The same was compared with their respective blood groups too. The ethnicity of the subject was also noted.
 Results: Tongue prints in the assessment of sexual dimorphism with relation to morphology were found to be significant with a p-value of 0.043 and the fingerprint in relation to the assessment of sexual dimorphism was also significant but all the other comparisons were found to be insignificant.
 Conclusion: In the present study, it was concluded that tongue prints based on tongue morphology can be a reliable source of identification with respect to sexual dimorphism. However, more studies with a larger sample size with relevance to ethnicity may be useful in bringing out a conclusive result in this aspect.
 Keywords: Tongue prints; lingual impression; uniqueness; fingerprints; sexual dimorphism.

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