
Abstract HeLa cells were irradiated with 300 kV X rays, 14 MeV neutrons and negative π-mesons (pions) at liquid nitrogen temperature, a condition where there is no recovery from sublethal damage so that effects of radiation delivered at low dose-rate can be compared without the complication of proliferation during the actual irradiation. After irradiation the cells were thawed and assayed for survival of colony-forming ability. Dose-response curves could be fitted to a common extrapolation number of 2 ·06. The D0 values were: 677 rads, X rays; 364 rads, pions; and 181 rads, neutrons. Under the conditions of these experiments, therefore, the RBE of pions (at the ionization peak) was 1 ·86 and of neutrons was 3 ·73.

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