
A reliable method for determination of carrier status and genetic counselling is required for effective control of haemophilia. Linkage analysis is currently the most widely used method for this purpose; however, in cases where there is no prior family history and/or unavailability of informative polymorphic markers it is less applicable. Detection of a mutation characterized in each family may be an alternative method for determination of the carrier status. In this study, linkage analysis using four polymorphic DNA markers, and direct mutation analysis were compared to determine the carrier status in six unrelated Thai haemophilia A families, two with a family history and four without. In the two families with a family history of haemophilia A, the carrier and noncarrier statuses could readily be determined in eight females by either linkage or direct mutation analysis. In the four families without a family history, the polymorphic DNA markers for linkage analysis were informative in two families and uninformative in the other two. The carrier status could be excluded in all four female siblings of the patients in the former. However, the specific FVIII gene mutation was not observed in the mother of one patient, who should have carried the mutation. In the remaining two families with uninformative polymorphic DNA markers, the carrier and noncarrier statuses of four female members could only be determined by direct mutation analysis. Therefore, direct mutation analysis could circumvent the limitations of linkage analysis in the determination of haemophilia A carrier status in families without a previous history or informative polymorphic markers.

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