
The research work was conducted to determine the concentration of Arsenic, Cupper, Strontum, and Zinc in some plant leaves (Dodoneae, Eucalyptus, Albizia Lebbeck) grown in different location in Kalar- Sulaymaneyah, Iraq to investigat contamination caused by traffic related pollutant. The samples were collected in (City Center, Industrial Area, Salih Agha village, and Garmian university campus). Concnetration of the selected elemnts were measured by inducively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) after wet digestion with acid mixture of (HNO3:H2O2). The mean concentration ranges of heavy metals in different plant leaves samples were: As = ND – 0.9; Cu =0.4 – 1.9; Sr =15 – 797.7 Zn = ND - 20 mg/Kg. The highest concentrations of different heavy metals were found in the samples collected from heavy traffic. The study revealed that the concnetration ranges of Sr and Zn in samples collected in higher traffic intensities were several times higher than those collected from lower traffic intensities compared to Cu and As which the increase in thier concnetration is slight.

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