
Surgical training is different from medical training where resident learns from doing surgeries and observing surgical skills from the senior faculty in addition to reading books. There is insufficient literature regarding the lacunae in current surgical training in our medical colleges. Aim of the survey is to identify the determinants of academic satisfaction of neurosurgery residents undergoing the present surgical training program in kerala.This survey determines the factors affecting academic satisfaction from a student perspective which will definitely be an eye opener regarding the benefits as well as drawbacks of the present curriculum in Kerala. MATERIALS AND METHODS A descriptive cross sectional survey of neurosurgery residents was done using a prevalidated questionnaire and send by email . It covered demographics ,the overall satisfaction and variables related to aspects of residency training like 1)surgery related 2)clinical care related 3) education related variables which are collected on a 5 point leikert score scale and scored. Responses obtained were enterd in SPSS data sheet and analysed . RESULTS The response rate was 60% .The average age of surgery residents in our survey was 30.4±2.59 years,majority being males (83%).Majority(41.7%) of residents who participated and responded to the survey were satisfied with the current surgical training. The residents were more satisfied if 1)faculty allowed residents to perform the important steps in the operations but without being overly supervised (p=0.049) 2)if they scrubbed more than 25 cases last month(p=.011); and 3) if they involve with the faculty in management decisions.(p=.032). CONCLUSION: The survey highlighted that faculty should support and give residents freedom to share a keyrole in patient management decisions .Improving resident satisfaction may help encourage more medical students to enter neurosurgical profession.Present survey will definetly guide curriculum management committees in health universities

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