
The study examined the technical, allocative, and economic and scale efficiency of the adopted and non-adopted farmers estimated using data envelopment analysis in Khargone District of Madhya Pradesh. In addition, the factors affecting technical, allocative, scale and economic efficiency of sample farmers in Kharif and Rabi seasons were examined by the OLS regression analysis. No significant difference was found in the mean efficiency score of adopted non-adopted famers except for scale efficiency in rabi season. The factors affecting economic efficiency were fertilizer(kg/ha) and small farm in kharif season and area under crop, adoption status and labour to machine in rabi season. The factors affecting scale efficiency in kharif season were fertilizer (kg/ha), small farm and labour to machine. and in rabi season were area under crop, adoption status, Non-farm income. The major policy implication includes increasing farm mechanisation to sustain scale efficiency and increasing fertilizer application in kharif season.

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