
The Detection Identification Adaptation (DIA) procedure was applied to the coordinate time-series of some permanent GPS stations belonging to the Italian GPS Fiducial Network (IGFN), of the Italian Space Agency (ASI), to detect discontinuities and to reject outliers. The daily solutions of the stations of Cagliari, Genoa, Medicina, Noto, Turin, Perugia and Venice were computed for the period 1997.0–2003.0 using Bernese GPS software v.4.2. The data were interpolated using a model with a linear term and an annual periodic term. The parameters were estimated by least squares. The DIA procedure was organized to automatically detect discontinuities and outliers. Approximately, 70% of the discontinuities present in the coordinate time-series were identified and their magnitudes were estimated. The identified discontinuities are basically caused by equipment replacement and reference frame changes, but in a few cases the reason is still unknown. With regard to the outliers, roughly 6% of the data were rejected. These data were considered outliers on the base of the level of significance and of the power of the test adopted in this work. Except for the stations of Perugia and Venice, the estimated coordinates agree with ITRF2000 values at the 10 mm level, and the estimated velocities are within a few mm/year of the ITRF2000 values.

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