
N ɛ-Monomethyllysine was identified in the serum, urine, brain, and liver samples of rats treated per os with l-deprenyl. The identification procedure included reaction with Fmoc chloride, clean-up, and analysis using HPLC–UV–MS. Oral administration of (−)- N- 14C-methyl- N-propynyl(2-phenyl-1-methyl)ethylammonium hydrochloride l-deprenyl) to rats resulted in transfer of the radiolabelled methyl group to the N ɛ-amino group of the endogenous lysine. The radiolabelled N ɛ-monomethyllysine was urinary eliminated together with the other radiolabelled deprenyl metabolites, such as deprenyl- N-oxide and methamphetamine. The presence of N ɛ-monomethyllysine has also been traced, and its concentrations were compared in the serum, liver and brain of rats subjected to l-deprenyl treatment. Methyl group transfer from the l-deprenyl to endogenous compounds; and the urinary elimination of their products may offer a vital way to eliminate or to decrease the degree of drug transmethylation to the lysine constituents of blood vessels’ proteins.

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