
The tools for detection of air temperature, humidity and soil pH by Using DHT22 and pH Sensor based Arduino Nano microcontroller have been successfully conducted. The components used in this research are Arduino Nano, DHT22 sensor, pH sensor, LCD 16x2, and power supply. The entire system on the device is supplied by a power supply. DHT22 sensor functions as a gauge of temperature and humidity of the air. The pH sensor functions as a soil pH meter. The measurements were taken at four points where strawberry plantations in Berastagi, Karo regency. The four points are Tambak Lau Mulgap II as point 1, Berastepu as point 2, Jl. Udara as point 3, and Sempa Jaya as point 4. The results of the test are Point 1 has air temperature of 30.92°C, air humidity is 69.06% and pH of soil is 6.95. Point 2 has air temperature, humidity and soil pH, 29.32°C, 68.62% and 6.75, respectively. The point 3 has air temperature, humidity and pH soil, 29.42°C, 68.25% and 6.29, respectively. While the point 4 has air temperature, humidity and pH of soil are 31.05°C, 67.65% and 7.08 respectively. All of the results show that for the four points around Mt. Sinabung have air temperature and humidity and also the pH of soil suitable for growing strawberry.

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