
Sleep disorders are steadily increasing in the population and can significantly affect daily life. Low-cost and noninvasive systems that can assist the diagnostic process will become increasingly widespread in the coming years. This work aims to investigate and compare the performance of machine learning-based classifiers for the identification of obstructive sleep apnea–hypopnea (OSAH) events, including apnea/non-apnea status classification, apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) prediction, and AHI severity classification. The dataset considered contains recordings from 192 patients. It is derived from a recently released dataset which contains, amongst others, audio signals recorded with an ambient microphone placed ∼1 m above the studied subjects and apnea/hypopnea accurate events annotations performed by specialized medical doctors. We employ mel spectrogram images extracted from the environmental audio signals as input of a machine-learning-based classifier for apnea/hypopnea events classification. The proposed approach involves a stacked model which utilizes a combination of a pretrained VGG-like audio classification (VGGish) network and a bidirectional long short-term memory (bi-LSTM) network. Performance analysis was conducted using a 5-fold cross-validation approach, leaving out patients used for training and validation of the models in the testing step. Comparative evaluations with recently presented methods from the literature demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach. The proposed architecture can be considered a useful tool for supporting OSAHS diagnoses by means of low-cost devices such as smartphones.

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