
Infrared spectra of N 2O in a variety of solvents and in the brain of a dog under typical conditions of halothane-N 2O anesthesia have been determined. The appearance or disappearance of N 2O in the brain was readily followed as N 2O was administered or withdrawn. The sites in brain were of two major types; one, with ν 3 = 2229.8 ± 0.4 cm −1 and Δν 1 2 = 13.0 ± 0.6 cm −1 , is rather like the polar site in water and the other, with ν 3 = 2216.8 ± 0.8 cm −1 and Δν 1 2 = 9.6 ± 1.0 cm −1 , is non-polar and is probably associated with membrane lipid. The significant variations in the antisymmetric stretch ( ν 3) of N 2O as the polarity and other properties of the medium (solvent) vary make possible the characterization of in tissue sites occupied by this anesthetic.

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