
To identify ecotoxicological responses to an endocrine disrupter, benzo( a)pyrene, we examined the life-history of the harpacticoid copepod, Tigriopus japonicus sensu lato. Based on the life-history of copepods, survival rate of nauplii (NSR) and copepodites (CSR), copepodite emergence day (CED) and adult male emergence day (AMED), sex ratio (MER), brooding success rate (BSR), and first brooding day of adult females (FBD) were measured. Significant differences were observed in the survival and development of nauplii (NSR and CED) and sex ratio (MER) of exposed and non-exposed copepods. Moreover, high concentration of BaP can be lethal to copepodite and exhibited a delay of growth. In this study, the CED and AMED among ecotoxicological response based on life-history developments were delayed and the body characteristics decreased in response to exposure to benzo( a)pyrene. The dwarfism and urosome deformity of the T. japonicus s.l. was exhibited in response to chemical exposure. Specifically, the body characteristics and biomass of dwarf copepods that had been exposed to benzo( a)pyrene were 30% and 50% lower than the control group, respectively. The incidence of abnormal urosomes was divided into two types. The first deformity type was signs of shrinkage in the middle of the urosome or the entire urosome was narrower than those of the control organisms. In the second type, the anal somite and the distal side of the urosome had abnormally swelled. Taken together, the nauplii and copepodid development of T. japonicus s.l. can be used as a useful biomaker for detecting developmental delay based on their entire life-history. In addition, the urosome deformity was used a good potential monitoring tool invading various chemicals and environmental contamination into water system.

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