
CPU scheduler is the primary component of an operating system which supports multitasking. Fair Share CPU scheduler uses static policy to share the CPU time among different levels of system. Static sharing of CPU time can affect the performance of system. Moreover, Fair share scheduler does not consider the impreciseness and uncertainty related to tasks. The objective is to design a vague based fair share scheduler (VFS). VFS scheduler extends the research in the field of fair sharing of CPU time where the functions of VFS scheduler are threefold: firstly, it deals with the impreciseness of task. Secondly, it dynamically shares the CPU time among users as well as among tasks. Thirdly, it supplies the dynamic priority to each task. It improves the performance of system. The VFS scheduler has three modules, VIS-DCS vague inference system for sharing CPU time; VIS-DP vague inference system for assigning dynamic priority to each task and scheduling algorithm to schedule the tasks. The novelty of this approach is to introduce the vague logic based CPU scheduler. Simulation results show that the VFS scheduler has improved performance over the fair share scheduler.

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