
The Multi -spectral Thermal Imager (MTI) satellite ground station, developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory and operated and maintained at Sandia National Laboratories , produces Level1R images that are interband registered but not geo - registered. Creating a geo -reg istered MTI data product poses many challenges for an MTI image analyst . This paper discusses the SPOT Imagery Georegistration for MTI Analysts (SIGMA) tool th at we created to address these challenges. SIGMA uses georeferenced images from the SPOT satellite as the reference maps for registering MTI images and is executed by th e MTI analyst after producing an interband co -registered Level1R image. This paper also discusses the iterative and incremental design process we used to develop the current implementation of SIGMA. We present a high -level software architectural view with the detailed control and data flows. We focus on two major aspects of the SIGMA implementation: generating correct SPOT image maps for georegistration and using COTS products —namely, IDL and ENVI —for rapid software development. Lastly, we cover lessons le arned associated with SIGMA software development from a software engineer's point of view. The idea of using computer vision approaches, such as automatically extracting invariant feature points, to register images without user intervention is also explore d in the future work section.

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