
Adaptive optics (AO) applications in astronomy and vision science require deformable mirrors with larger stroke, higher packing density and at lower cost than currently available technology. The use of high-aspect ratio Micro-Electro- Mechanical Systems (MEMS) processing techniques to fabricate large-stroke actuators that can meet stroke, packing density and cost specifications for AO applications have been explored. Different actuator designs, materials and postprocessing procedures fabricated in two different high-aspect ratio processes have been investigated. These manufacturing processes allow high-precision multilayer fabrication, and both parallel plate and comb drive actuator deformable mirror designs have been created. Multilayer fabrication has reduced pull-in voltage requirements for large stroke comb-drive actuators. The design, modeling and simulation of these actuators are compared to experimental measurements of their pull-voltages, which characterizes their stiffness and maximum stroke.

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