
Reaction-diffusion (Turing) systems are fundamental to the formation of spatial patterns in nature and engineering. These systems are governed by a set of non-linear partial differential equations containing parameters that determine the rate of constituent diffusion and reaction. Critically, these parameters, such as diffusion coefficient, heavily influence the mode and type of the final pattern, and quantitative characterization and knowledge of these parameters can aid in bio-mimetic design or understanding of real-world systems. However, the use of numerical methods to infer these parameters can be difficult and computationally expensive. Typically, adjoint solvers may be used, but they are frequently unstable for very non-linear systems. Alternatively, massive amounts of iterative forward simulations are used to find the best match, but this is extremely effortful. Recently, physics-informed neural networks have been proposed as a means for data-driven discovery of partial differential equations, and have seen success in various applications. Thus, we investigate the use of physics-informed neural networks as a tool to infer key parameters in reaction─diffusion systems in the steady-state for scientific discovery or design. Our proof-of-concept results show that the method is able to infer parameters for different pattern modes and types with errors of less than 10%. In addition, the stochastic nature of this method can be exploited to provide multiple parameter alternatives to the desired pattern, highlighting the versatility of this method for bio-mimetic design. This work thus demonstrates the utility of physics-informed neural networks for inverse parameter inference of reaction-diffusion systems to enhance scientific discovery and design.

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