
In this paper the design of non-absorptive, diffusive, coding engineered reflector for EM-wave manipulation at millimeter wave regime is presented. The design principle of the presented 1-bit engineered reflector is based on the combination of the reflection phase cancellation and cross-polarization rotation principles. The proposed surface can efficiently diffuse-back the incident EM-wave with low backward scattering level under both normal and oblique incidence of far-field plane wave. The 1-bit coding engineered reflector is formed by a random distribution of a precisely designed anisotropic unit cell (as “0” elements) and its mirrored unit cell (as “1” elements) with about 180$^{\circ} \pm 37 ^{\circ}$ phase difference between their reflection phases. The cross-polarization rotation introduced by the unit cell and the phase difference (reflection phase cancellation) between “0” and “1” elements across the surface aperture both contributes to EM-wave diffusion in the half-space in front of the presented engineered reflector.

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