
Abstract Poor posture leading to neck and back pain can be caused by long hours sitting in front of computer screens in ergonomically inadequate office furniture or in makeshift home offices. For most individuals, recognizing and correcting for poor posture is an uncommon practice. Poor seated posture is characterized by protracted scapulae, increased kyphosis, and a flexed lumbar spine. Toward a wearable system that performs continuous monitoring, we developed a textile sensor embedded garment. Using textile sensors sewn into a shirt, we test the capability of our design to read curvatures related to seated posture. First, textile sensors were evaluated for fabrication and data collection ease. Next, sensors embedded in shirt designs were evaluated for their ability to produce data that can be recognized as good or poor posture across a user’s back. Designs leveraging e-textiles and snap circuitry enable textile sensor posture readings in a wearable device that is soft and durable. Results from this proof-of-concept prototype show that such customizable garments may enable the study of specific muscle groups related to various postures in the future. Sensor technology embedded in everyday wear garments holds promise for integrating continuous postural monitoring to commercially available clothing.

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