
Clustering can be made effective in CEAACK MANETs by opting for a cluster head mechanism which ensures that control rests with a single powerful node within a cluster. This cluster head takes on the responsibility of routing the packets efficiently by coordinating with the base station. Generally route maintenance and route discovery is a very important mechanism for maintaining route life. In route discovery, a flooding scheme is usually used to send and receive the route request and route reply message. Based on the route discovery, the routing methods are categorized into Proactive and Reactive methods. Reactive Routing Protocol is also called On Demand Routing Protocol like AODV (AdHoc on Demand Vector Routing) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) and they can improve the scalability of CEAACK MANETs by limiting the routing overhead when a new route is requested. However, due to node mobility in CEAACK MANETs, frequent link breakages may lead to frequent path failures and route discoveries, which could increase the overhead of routing protocols and reduce the packet delivery ratio and increases the end-to-end delay.We propose a novel protocol which provides an efficient route discovery technique along with a competent Three Fish algorithm. This is based on understanding the neighbouring clusters and efficiently using this information to reduce the routing overhead in CEAACK MANETs. The proposed protocol is used to determine the forwarding order and exploit the neighbour coverage knowledge more effectively. The novel distributed routing protocol guarantees security, anonymity and high reliability of the established route in a hostile environment, such as an ad hoc wireless network, by encrypting the routing packet header and abstaining from using unreliable intermediate nodes. The major objective of our protocol is to allow trustworthy intermediate nodes to participate in the path construction protocol without jeopardizing the anonymity of the communicating nodes. An enhanced three fish Algorithm is used to ensure the safety of the data during a transmission by using a unique key during the encryption and decryption process. We describe our protocol, STFDR (Secure Three Fish Distributed Routing), and provide its proof of correctness.

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