
Nowadays a very fast-growing trend known as IoT is emerging very rapidly. IoT system becomes a very necessary part & almost amongst all applications in our day-to-day life for educated people or non-educated people. Various real-time applications such as smart healthcare system in the medical field, smart home application for daily life, intelligent retail shop management, a smart agricultural application for the farming function or smart hand-on application for construction the site, the intelligent driving system for the vehicle and so on. As the Internet of Things (IoT) is spreading like a viral network all over the world very rapidly hence it is more vulnerable in security, malfunctioning of a system. Moreover, lots of internal or external attacks and threats are there to hack the system data and malfunctioning the system working. With the help of IoT, an object can communicate with each other without moving here and there, hence data reliability is more important here to provide excellent end-to- end services. Hence trust management endures a very powerful role for accurate and trustworthy data transfer for data computation, and for providing quality data services between the different users while maintaining the participant's privacy and data security. It must be noted that securing the IoT system with Trust provides a stable solution for protecting the system from external threats but the literature review reveals that no well- structured trust management system framework is developed till now which will help the user to resolve security and threat issue and maintain the IoT services properly working. As in the trust system trust values of nodes should be measured with the help of parameters that are based on the node's functional values of an application. The computation part of the node's trustworthiness is a very difficult task, as all nodes provide different services in the IoT system. Also, the trust system will provide 100% trustworthiness is also a very major challenge because of the dynamic IoT system environment. So herewith considering all these issues in mind we had done a literature review on the IoT system and their complexities come while in the functioning of the network system. Also the various types of trust management models we had explored with their pros & cons. Finally, we had proposed our trust management model based on the optimization algorithm. In the end, we had concluded that if our proposed algorithm will be implemented in the future it will provide fast processing than the already existing system.

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