
Technical Activity Board System was designed and developed for the benefit of the administration, tabulators, event managers, coaches and participants/players during school activities. The system worked as a tabulation system wherein it will provide substantial security of the data, recording, analysis and interpretation of data, tallying and efficiently producing an accurate result which outcome set of winners given on time. In developing the system, the researcher applied the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method using the development software such as, MySQL which serves as the database, PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor) Designer works as the programming editor, XAMP as windows apache, web browser for running the program and Static Internet Protocol as Internet Connection. Also, applied post questionnaires to determine the assessment and effectiveness of the system to the users and the technology acceptance of the user to the system. The system installed during the Socio-cultural activities and intramurals in the year 2014 for testing. Table 1 shows the significant difference in terms of time allotted to perform each activity comparing the manual method to the system. This indcates that the system requires less time in tabulating the activity in a very most convenient way. During the testing and implementation, it is found out that the developed software was considered useful regarding security, convenience, efficiency, usability, and functionality. Hence, it is recommended to implement the Technical Activity Board System to upcoming events of the school.

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