
Two standing wave accelerating structures have been built for the operation of two AVF racetrack microtrons (RTM). For the first RTM a 3 cell 1.3 GHz on axis coupled standing wave structure has been designed to accelerate a 50 A peak current beam in 9 steps from the injection energy of 6 MeV to a final energy of 25 MeV. The beam will be used as drive beam for the free electron laser TEUFEL. The second structure accelerates a 7.5 mA beam in 13 steps from the injection energy of 10 MeV, to a maximum energy of 75 MeV. This 9 cell on-axis coupled structure operates at 3 GHz and was designed with a relatively large aperture radius (8 mm) in order to avoid limitations on the RTM’s acceptance. Design, fabrication and testing of the structures have been done in house. For the design of the structures the combination of the codes Superfish and Mafia has been used. Low and high power tests proved that the structures live up to the demands. With the experiences gained a design for the accelerating structure of the H linac of the ESS project has been made. The design of the cells as well as a novel type of single cell bridge coupler will be presented.

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