
The high demand for point-of-care devices for the convenient detection and follow-up of chronic diseases is posing demands to the development of novel low-cost sensors. The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most worldwide spread diseases, due to cigarette smoking and air pollution. Owing to the unstable and spontaneous characteristics of this disease is essential to have a sensitive, rapid, and easy-to-use device for the detection of diseases biomarkers. The research of emerging materials such as graphene monolayer and perovskite may revolutionise the field of point-of-care devices. These materials can boost the sensitivity and specificity of the detection, and therefore the detection can be performed in samples taken non-invasively, such saliva, and with less sample quantity. A graphene field effect transistor (GFET) coated with PEDOT:PSS and perovskite, bring advantages to the photodetection field, due to the unique proprieties of 2D materials and the structure of perovskite. This work presents a study of material characteristics comprising a GFET, with perspective to detect biomarkers of COPD.

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