
New, more efficient ways to accomplish objectives are key to improving the ability of zoological and conservation organizations to protect the animals they study and care for. Here, we describe an ovocesarean procedure, a novel task to assist the hatching of larval anurans in cases when allowing for hatching to occur naturally presents a risk to the survival of the progeny. This study focuses on two clutches of La Palma Glass Frogs (Hyalinobatrachium valerioi) where the eggs were not laid over a water body for the tadpoles to drop into upon emergence from the egg. A simple, three-step procedure that can be performed in just a few minutes resulted in a 95% success rate in emergence and led to increased survivability in the tadpoles that were assisted. Procedures that assist hatching of embryos and neonates are discussed in many circles of animal care but have not been described in detail to provide assistance to those that are not in a situation where they can learn it from a professional. This description of the ovocesarean procedure assigns a definitive, technical term to assisted hatching and can easily be extrapolated to other oviparous animals. Although the focal species here is of a Least Concern conservation status, this procedure can be key in improving reproductive success in other, more threatened species of anurans.

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