
Cyphocharax aninha, new species, is described from the Rio Mopeco, a left tributary of the Rio Paru, left of the lower Rio Amazonas. Cyphocharax aninha differs from its congeners by having the infraorbital sensory canal absent or greatly reduced, even in large individuals (more than 30.0 mm SL), and fleshy or osseous canal restricted to infraorbital 5; the presence of a broad ellipsoid, vertical elongate spot over the caudal peduncle and the base of the caudal-fin rays, between the dorsal and ventral margins of the caudal peduncle. The new species can also be distinguished from all congeners by the combination of morphometric, meristic, and pigmentation characters. Comments on other small species and possible relationships of the new species with its congeners are presented. Cyphocharax aninha, nova especie, e descrita do Rio Mopeco, afluente esquerdo do Rio Paru, afluente esquerdo do baixo Amazonas. Cyphocharax aninha difere de seus congeneres por apresentar canal sensorial infraorbital ausente ou extrem...

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