
International and domestic travelers may acquire a wide variety of infectious diseases transmitted by exposure to insects. Exposure to ticks may be associated with systemic infections clinically suspected through skin and soft tissue manifestations along with fever, myalgia, headache, and other related symptoms. Cutaneous lesions may include eschars at the site of initial contact, maculopapular rashes, or others as the result of systemic dissemination of viral, Rickettsial, parasitic, and protozoan infections acquired by exposure to different types of ticks. Ticks represent the second most common global vector of transmission of infectious diseases to humans after mosquitoes. In some endemic regions, ticks are the most important vector of transmission of a great variety of infectious pathogens including protozoan (Babesia spp.), viral (Coltivirus), rickettsia, and bacterial infections (Francisella tularensis). With increasing international travel, different tick-borne diseases continue to emerge and being identified. Identifying the cutaneous signs associated with tick-borne diseases is crucial to clinically suspect the diagnosis of a specific tick-borne illness. Minimizing the exposure to ticks during domestic or international travel represents the most important intervention to reducing the risk of tick-borne illnesses.

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