
In many previous studies, the natriuresis induced by saline loading has been demonstrated to persist even though glomerular filtration rate (GFR) has been decreased to below pre-expansion levels by a reduction in renal artery pressure. In such studies, however, the kidney has been exposed to the effects of volume expansion for varying periods of time before renal artery pressure was controlled. The present experiments were designed to evaluate whether this period of exposure induces critical changes in intrarenal factors that are responsible for the natriuresis.Experiments were carried out in rats, in which renal artery pressure was decreased to 70 mm Hg either at the onset of saline loading (immediate clamping experiments) or after 45 min of saline loading had elapsed (delayed clamping experiments). In the delayed clamping experiments, consonant with previous studies, mean sodium excretion, 3.2 mueq/min, remained markedly increased above control, despite a reduction in GFR to 91% of the hydropenic control value. In contrast, when renal artery pressure was comparably reduced at the onset of saline loading mean sodium excretion was only trivially increased, 0.4 mueq/min, although GFR increased to 140% of the hydropenic control value. These results exclude an important role for either a circulating hormone or a reduction in plasma oncotic pressure in the natriuretic response to saline loading, and indicate that intrarenal factors are the critical determinants of the natriuresis. We have used the difference in response to saline loading in the immediate and delayed clamping experiments to evaluate the role of two intrarenal factors, interstitial hydrostatic pressure and renal plasma flow. Interstitial pressure changes were estimated from changes in tubular pressure and diameter by using the in situ compliance characteristics of the tubules. In a group of rats saline loaded without aortic clamping, interstitial pressure increased by 4-5 mm Hg and renal plasma flow increased by 2.5 ml/min. During the period of reduced renal artery pressure, however, neither interstitial pressure nor renal plasma flow was detectably increased above control in either the immediate or the delayed clamping experiments. The only noteworthy difference between the experiments in which a natriuresis occurred (unclamped and delayed clamping studies) and the experiments in which no natriuresis occurred is that in the former group the kidney was at least transiently exposed both to an increase in renal plasma flow and interstitial pressure. These findings indicate, first, that extracellular fluid volume expansion can induce a natriuresis only if the kidney has been exposed to at least a transient increase in either interstitial hydrostatic pressure or renal plasma flow (or both); and, second, that a sustained increase in interstitial pressure and renal plasma flow is not required for the natriuresis to persist.

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