
The article attempts to highlight the analytical and comprehensive review of the history and organization of the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Country Study of the Bukovynian State Medical University. The basic scientific and educational achievements of the department staff are given and the prospects of its development today are also shown. As a result of the research activities it became possible to identify new archival materials and documents which are put into scientific circulation for the first time, they significantly expand the source base of the research. The specificity of the department deals pri-marily with a humanitarian potential actualization. That is why diversifying forms of lectures, the usage of modern axiological and epistemological elements during seminars and workshops contributes in future medical and pharmaceutical specialists’ appropriate level of philosophical, literary and linguistic and cultural knowledge. Modern life sets high school task to be ready for domestic science and manufacture professionals of a new generation, highly skilled, competent, qualified and spiritually rich. These are problems that cannot be solved without proper knowledge of the State language. Since 2004 the educational process at the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Country Study is conducted according to the requirements of the Bologna Declaration. Through the prism of the historical path of the Department from its foundation to the present and prospects of development of the departments, BSMU highlights the priority task for the employees of the department - the national-patriotic education of its students. So, today there are all conditions at the department for full-fledged teaching and research, improved forms and methods of teaching-learning material, according to the requirements of time and in accordance with the directions of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Lecturers apply advanced methods of teaching (using multimedia, interactive tools and techniques) that allow the learning process to be conducted in a professional manner. Using innovative technology helps to fulfill important social task - education of the creative personality, training to think independently and to generate ideas and take bold, innovative, wise decisions and to implement them.

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