
Dentin may be regarded as a mineralized connective tissue. In its composition as well as its mode of formation, dentin exhibits several similarities with bone, but also definite differences. The dentin organic phase, the matrix, determines its morphology and is believed to be instrumental in the formation of the mineral phase. A fibrous web of collagen type I dominates the organic matrix. Also, minor amounts of other collagen types may be present. The noncollagenous proteins (NCPs), which constitute about 10% of the matrix, fall into several categories: phosphoproteins, Gla-proteins of the osteocalcin type as well as matrix Gla-protein, proteoglycans, different acidic glycoproteins, and serum proteins. Some of these NCPs have unique chemical compositions that give them specific properties. Dentinogenesis occurs by two simultaneous processes: the formation of a collagenous web in predentin, which is followed by the formation of the inorganic phase at the mineralization front. The composition of the predentin organic matrix differs from that of dentin, as some NCP components are secreted extracellularly just in advance of the mineralization front. In addition, some constituents of predentin seem to be metabolized. The NCPs may be important to several processes during dentinogenesis. Much evidence indicates that noncollagenous components in the matrix are instrumental in mineral formation. New data show that polyanionic NCPs, such as phosphoprotein and proteoglycans, when immobilized on a solid support, induce apatite formation under physiological conditions. These data indicate that polyanionic NCPs may function as mineral nucleators in vivo. They may also act as size and rate regulators for crystallization and promote calcium ion diffusion in the tissue. In addition, NCPs may regulate collagen fibrillogenesis.

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