
A straightforward and reliable method to determine densities of molten salts at high temperatures was de-veloped by Janz and Lorenz several years ago.[1] This method was followed in order to determine the density of the LiF/Li2S eutectic[2] over the temperature range of 1176 to 1355 K in which the eutectic is liquid. The rel-ative lack of data for this eutectic is surprising given its potential usefulness in the study of advanced batteries'31 and electrowinning of metals from molten sulfides.[41] The method is based on the fact that a solid piece of metal of known volume suspended from a pan balance into a molten salt will weigh less than if it were sus-pended in air at the same temperature. This difference in weight measured in grams will be equal to the buoyant force of the liquid at that temperature. The density of the salt bath can then readily be determined by dividing this difference by the volume of the solid piece of metal that is immersed in the bath. The procedure can be re-peated to give density values over a range of temperatures.

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