
This work investigates dense packings of congruent hard infinitesimally thin circular arcs in the two-dimensional Euclidean space. It focuses on those denotable as major whose subtended angle θ∈(π,2π]. Differently than those denotable as minor whose subtended angle θ∈[0,π], it is impossible for two hard infinitesimally thin circular arcs with θ∈(π,2π] to arbitrarily closely approach once they are arranged in a configuration, e.g., on top of one another, replicable ad infinitum without introducing any overlap. This makes these hard concave particles, in spite of being infinitesimally thin, most densely pack with a finite number density. This raises the question as to what are these densest packings and what is the number density that they achieve. Supported by Monte Carlo numerical simulations, this work shows that one can analytically construct compact closed circular groups of hard major circular arcs in which a specific, θ-dependent, number of them (counter) clockwise intertwine. These compact closed circular groups then arrange on a triangular lattice. These analytically constructed densest-known packings are compared to corresponding results of Monte Carlo numerical simulations to assess whether they can spontaneously turn up.

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